Cherished Feet distributed shoes to homeless children (new born - 5 years old) at Bright Beginnings Inc. in Washington D.C., July 31st, 2014. We focused on helping the children for their upcoming school year. The distribution was featured on CBS WUSA 9 News.

Below is a video of our most recent distribution which took place Covenant House for Women and Children, May 27, 2014. Take a look how Cherished Feet works, and learn what the meaning footwear means to the less fortunate.

Cherished Feet is featured in Style-ology Magazine. You can read more about Cherished Feet in the Volume 3 (November 2013) Issue.

Cherished Feet comes together to help Hurricane Sandy victims covered by Channel 11 Pix Cares Program.

NBC News Clip which aired March 31, 2012 Cherished Feet team successfully distributed 300 pairs of shoes to the homeless at Covenant House in (New York, NY).

Thanksgiving Clip for PIX 11 which aired on Thanksgiving night. Cherished Feet team successfully distributed hundreds of shoes to the need at St. Joseph church in (Bushwich, BK) with 2 Impact NYC and BRC Place Employment Residence (East Village) on Thanksgiving Day.

Black Tie Magazine